Versetul zilei

23 mai 2013

Se cutremura pamantul !

   Nu stiu daca in ultima perioada sa fi fost zi in care sa nu fi gasit o stire care sa anunte un cutremur care tocmai a avut loc... si asta parca m-a facut mai mult sa caut, sa vad cate cutremure au avut loc in ultima perioada. 

   De ce sunt preocupata?
Poate, pentru ca  versetul din Marcu 13:8 se implineste tot mai mult, 
" Un neam se va scula împotriva altui neam, şi o împărăţie împotriva altei împărăţii; pe alocuri vor fi cutremure de pământ, foamete şi tulburări. Aceste lucruri vor fi începutul durerilor"
Astazi am rasfoit ziarele online, si iata ce am gasit.
In urma cu cateva zile, prin data de 17 mai, citeam o stire despre cutremurul care a avut loc tot in zona Vrancei, si una din precizarile facute era in felul urmator: "de la inceputul lunii mai , doar in Romania au avut loc 12 cutremure"
Ca atare, era data de 17 mai, cand am citit articolul respectiv, asta inseamna.... ziua si cutremurul. Interesant....!
   O alta statistica pe ultimele doua zile arata cam asa:
                     Cutremure in ultimele 2 zile :

Data               Ora               Latit.   Longit.     Grade  Ad   Regiune
2013-05-23 09:29:48UTC   2.29124.814.6  259  Celebes Sea
2013-05-23 04:00:39 UTC  34.2424.994.7      25 Grecia
2013-05-23 03:55:26 UTC  52.37160.354.7  34 Kamchatka
2013-05-23 01:30:06 UTC  25.23124.394.7 102 Taiwan
2013-05-22 23:55:50 UTC  38.43     74.204.5 101 Xinjiang, China
2013-05-22 23:50:38 UTC  4.04128.574.8 10 Indonezia
2013-05-22 20:55:23 UTC  52.76 159.144.8 65 Kamchatka
2013-05-22 20:48:12 UTC  52.13 160.164.7 10 Kamchatka
2013-05-22 20:08:23 UTC  52.21  160.255.1 30 Kamchatka
2013-05-22 19:21:29 UTC  -17.96 -178.07   4.9 583 I-le Fiji

        Data        Ora                                    Grade      Regiune
2013-05-23 09:55:27 UTC 38.2322.12 2.4 11 Grecia
2013-05-23 09:31:09 UTC 37.2428.162.3 4 Turcia
2013-05-23 07:38:20 UTC 36.4234.48 2.1 22 Turcia
2013-05-23 06:10:29 UTC 39.2827.69 2.4 6 Turcia
2013-05-23 05:59:16 UTC 37.3531.31 2.3 124 Turcia
2013-05-23 05:29:11 UTC 37.1428.42 1.9 5 Turcia
2013-05-23 05:22:57 UTC 37.3826.97 2.1 13 Grecia
2013-05-23 05:21:17 UTC 39.0235.84 2.2 3 Turcia
2013-05-23 05:07:18 UTC 39.5026.43 2.4 11 Turcia
2013-05-23 04:31:32 UTC 37.0328.43 2.2 8 Turcia
2013-05-23 04:16:08 UTC 36.9528.43 1.7 15 Turcia
2013-05-23 04:00:39 UTC 34.2325.03 4.7 26 Grecia
2013-05-23 03:41:33 UTC 35.0122.96 3.3 1 Marea Mediterana
2013-05-23 03:39:33 UTC 43.0718.74 2.5 2 Muntenegru
2013-05-23 03:30:40 UTC 40.4723.57 2.4 7 Grecia
2013-05-23 03:06:02 UTC 37.3926.99 2.0 11 Grecia
2013-05-23 01:54:03 UTC 38.8543.52 2.1 6 Turcia
2013-05-23 01:49:30 UTC 51.3016.14 2.4 2 Polonia
2013-05-23 00:54:47 UTC 37.3726.97 3.5 5 Grecia
2013-05-23 00:38:57 UTC 38.2322.10 2.1 12 Grecia
2013-05-23 00:34:43 UTC 38.2322.11 2.5 12 Grecia
2013-05-23 00:15:26 UTC 34.7523.88 2.8 18 Grecia
2013-05-22 23:25:00 UTC 37.0428.42 1.9 8 Turcia
2013-05-22 23:18:55 UTC 36.9828.43 2.2 5 Turcia
2013-05-22 22:59:42 UTC 43.1418.76 2.0 5 Muntenegru
2013-05-22 22:57:43 UTC 39.2429.35 1.7 8 Turcia
2013-05-22 22:38:47 UTC 40.7030.62 1.9 15 Turcia
2013-05-22 22:32:58 UTC 45.3926.43 2.5 14 Romania
2013-05-22 22:09:22 UTC 39.5938.61 2.0 11 Turcia
2013-05-22 21:50:14 UTC 40.3551.89 3.2 62 Marea Caspica

Aceasta statistica este preluata de pe:

O alta statistica a ultimelor cutremure in ultimele 7 zile, preluata de pe:

Mai departe... fiecare sa mediteze in dreptul sau si sa vada ce trebuie sa faca!

Dat si ora Lat Long Magnitudine Adancime (km) Regiunea
23/05/2013 09:29:47 2.3222 124.7119 4.9 260.9 Celebes Sea Home
23/05/2013 04:00:41 34.3429 24.9853 4.7 37 Crete Greece Home
23/05/2013 01:30:06 25.1951 124.4954 4.9 113.2 northeast of Taiwan Home
23/05/2013 00:14:11 -18.2283 -69.3703 4.8 138.6 Tarapaca Chile Home
22/05/2013 23:50:36 4.1101 128.6114 4.7 10.1 north of Halmahera Indonesia Home
22/05/2013 19:21:33 -17.7961 -178.6131 4.6 594.1 Fiji region Home
22/05/2013 16:56:01 52.5012 160.6436 4.6 40.7 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
22/05/2013 14:33:46 -59.5915 -27.5064 4.6 161.7 South Sandwich Islands region Home
22/05/2013 13:49:00 52.7849 160.4864 4.6 50.5 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
22/05/2013 11:35:23 -30.334 -177.591 4.9 35.1 Kermadec Islands New Zealand Home
22/05/2013 06:36:37 52.9906 159.9214 4.9 32.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
22/05/2013 03:43:22 -16.5715 -173.2558 4.6 10.1 Tonga Home
21/05/2013 23:38:48 26.674 57.9067 4.6 9.7 southern Iran Home
21/05/2013 23:10:45 -20.576 -69.6854 4.6 92.4 Tarapaca Chile Home
21/05/2013 23:02:44 -13.7858 -72.4255 5.8 82 central Peru Home
21/05/2013 19:37:41 52.4434 159.5788 4.9 19.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 18:52:01 -6.5333 154.5838 5 68.9 Bougainville region Papua New Guinea Home
21/05/2013 17:42:19 52.3676 159.8399 4.9 48.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 15:15:10 -54.447 158.6167 4.6 10 Macquarie Island region Home
21/05/2013 15:05:29 6.2437 -82.6431 4.6 35 south of Panama Home
21/05/2013 14:56:23 -9.3972 123.7978 4.7 91.1 Timor region Indonesia Home
21/05/2013 14:51:48 45.141 142.8602 5.1 271.9 Hokkaido Japan region Home
21/05/2013 14:51:20 52.5489 160.6165 5.3 41.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 13:27:49 -15.0619 -71.3163 5.2 103.7 southern Peru Home
21/05/2013 13:23:29 52.8633 158.7048 4.6 92 near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 12:51:56 -45.5938 -76.587 5.3 28.8 off the coast of Aisen Chile Home
21/05/2013 12:39:32 52.3735 160.5283 4.7 41.6 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 10:21:02 52.3271 160.4043 4.8 47.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 10:00:08 52.6591 159.8731 4.8 66.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 09:46:52 -60.8091 152.0863 4.7 10 west of Macquarie Island Home
21/05/2013 08:41:16 15.8505 -92.4476 4.6 166.6 Chiapas Mexico Home
21/05/2013 08:25:54 23.4179 123.6864 5.6 13.3 southwestern Ryukyu Islands Japan Home
21/05/2013 08:15:16 52.3617 160.3975 4.8 48.6 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 07:06:48 52.0885 159.9113 4.7 52.4 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 07:02:26 52.3576 159.929 4.9 56.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 06:20:19 52.6056 159.7896 4.6 52.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 06:07:54 52.3915 159.957 4.7 61.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 06:03:39 52.2837 160.0938 4.6 55.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 05:43:21 52.3069 159.9857 6 36.7 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 04:59:37 52.3253 160.023 6 37.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 04:24:07 52.3353 160.4189 5 28.5 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 03:08:22 52.4921 159.9847 5.9 44.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 03:05:50 52.3697 160.3574 5.5 14.4 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 02:02:45 52.4293 160.4218 4.9 44.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 01:55:05 52.4692 160.4861 6 15.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
21/05/2013 01:04:17 39.1841 144.4342 4.9 31 off the east coast of Honshu Japan Home
21/05/2013 00:01:16 52.9568 158.9489 4.6 93.7 near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 23:33:43 18.72 -62.815 4.7 25.5 Anguilla region Leeward Islands Home
20/05/2013 23:07:34 2.7701 128.6172 4.7 229.4 Halmahera Indonesia Home
20/05/2013 23:01:25 52.4263 160.2234 5.3 17.4 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 22:51:47 52.4246 160.1273 4.8 43.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 22:36:27 52.4704 160.1953 4.6 40 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 20:13:54 52.319 160.3147 5 32.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 18:08:48 52.3395 160.452 4.7 40.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 17:18:11 36.4929 70.4292 5 207.7 Hindu Kush region Afghanistan Home
20/05/2013 14:55:46 0.4906 123.7892 4.6 209.6 Minahasa Sulawesi Indonesia Home
20/05/2013 14:12:43 52.3079 160.467 4.8 45 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 13:57:04 52.2827 160.0963 4.7 52.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 12:43:33 52.2399 160.4022 4.7 30.5 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 10:54:24 52.5097 160.0226 4.7 43.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 09:49:04 -44.9439 -80.5409 6.5 10 off the coast of Aisen Chile Home
20/05/2013 07:26:52 5.8692 126.9445 4.9 120.9 Mindanao Philippines Home
20/05/2013 07:02:31 26.7577 57.7788 4.6 24.8 southern Iran Home
20/05/2013 03:42:39 52.2894 160.2163 4.7 49 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 03:38:50 51.6115 160.4637 4.6 15.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 01:33:33 52.972 158.941 4.6 84.3 near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 01:07:39 52.415 160.1193 5.1 42.6 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 00:22:13 52.4325 160.183 4.9 30.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 00:13:17 52.3047 160.1696 5.3 33.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
20/05/2013 00:05:07 52.4179 160.0481 4.8 60.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 23:58:15 52.3829 159.9521 5 58.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 23:51:35 52.365 159.9867 5.2 49.7 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 23:50:24 52.7481 159.1124 5.1 70.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 22:38:50 52.3593 160.2169 5 40.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 21:12:55 52.2665 160.0099 4.8 58 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 21:05:17 52.3516 160.0878 5.1 43.3 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 20:38:49 -20.7836 -177.5625 4.8 341.3 Fiji region Home
19/05/2013 20:20:12 52.4098 159.9933 5.1 43.7 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 20:07:02 52.834 159.2001 4.6 86.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 19:53:18 52.7055 158.8365 5.1 92.7 near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 19:51:28 52.4342 160.1435 5.1 54.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 19:43:22 52.4038 160.0977 5 52.5 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 19:37:30 52.4533 160.1976 4.9 48.6 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 19:21:28 52.3805 160.0955 5.1 54.3 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 19:05:55 52.2613 160.8618 4.6 23 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 18:44:10 52.278 160.09 5.9 16.5 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 18:41:16 52.3699 160.1026 5.1 44.1 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 18:33:00 52.3367 160.2392 4.8 53.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 18:32:58 52.2711 160.0593 4.8 37.8 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 17:47:31 52.5818 159.5733 4.7 59.7 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 17:44:45 52.4249 160.3182 5.1 40.3 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 15:58:44 52.3658 160.1142 4.6 61.2 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 15:45:23 52.3596 160.173 4.7 44.6 off the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
19/05/2013 11:02:05 -30.5677 -177.7506 4.8 7.5 Kermadec Islands New Zealand Home
19/05/2013 09:07:27 36.7433 5.2787 4.9 12.7 northern Algeria Home
19/05/2013 07:49:12 5.1115 94.2903 4.7 60.3 northern Sumatra Indonesia Home
19/05/2013 06:24:06 36.3763 143.3012 4.9 11 off the east coast of Honshu Japan Home
19/05/2013 05:37:46 -17.0992 -70.7062 4.8 85.8 southern Peru Home
19/05/2013 03:41:26 56.2189 163.2526 5 11.7 near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
18/05/2013 23:50:46 17.4234 -62.0078 4.8 20.3 Antigua and Barbuda region Leeward Islands Home
18/05/2013 23:29:31 52.8829 158.8756 4.7 85.3 near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
18/05/2013 22:39:46 52.672 158.9419 4.9 73.8 near the east coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Home
18/05/2013 17:43:15 56.0842 164.6373 4.7 30.9 Komandorskiye Ostrova Russia region Home
18/05/2013 17:19:28 -28.374 178.649 5 609.4 Kermadec Islands region Home
18/05/2013 15:51:01 39.592 142.2884 4.8 69.3 near the east coast of Honshu Japan Home
18/05/2013 15:35:57 -8.9663 124.1399 4.7 94.5 Kepulauan Alor Indonesia Home
18/05/2013 11:43:51 -21.1816 168.5168 4.9 24.4 Loyalty Islands New Caledonia Home
18/05/2013 10:57:50 26.7678 57.7783 5.5 9.7 southern Iran Home
18/05/2013 10:03:18 26.6882 57.8114 5.6 9.9 southern Iran Home
18/05/2013 08:00:42 6.5463 -82.3866 4.6 7.9 south of Panama Home
18/05/2013 05:47:59 37.745 141.4937 6 34.3 near the east coast of Honshu Japan Home
18/05/2013 05:17:13 -17.8922 -178.6279 4.6 630.7 Fiji region Home
18/05/2013 04:27:53 -40.4856 -91.3788 4.9 10 West Chile Rise Home
18/05/2013 04:05:42 -53.1072 22.1218 5.6 9.7 south of Africa Home
17/05/2013 22:02:26 37.633 124.5798 4.8 13.5 Yellow Sea Home
17/05/2013 21:42:21 -35.2301 -105.8408 4.8 10.1 southern East Pacific Rise Home
17/05/2013 21:23:29 -6.1343 149.9185 4.8 65.8 New Britain region Papua New Guinea Home
17/05/2013 14:37:45 29.1883 100.0075 4.9 20.7 western Sichuan China Home
17/05/2013 11:14:41 -20.7927 -178.7478 4.7 595.5 Fiji region Home
17/05/2013 08:32:39 -6.2454 154.4122 5.4 69.3 Bougainville region Papua New Guinea Home
17/05/2013 06:43:16 -11.0851 165.0815 5.7 10.3 Santa Cruz Islands Home
17/05/2013 05:37:49 -6.694 129.8291 4.6 157.8 Banda Sea Home
16/05/2013 23:13:28 -41.3949 -87.7293 5 10.1 West Chile Rise Home
16/05/2013 22:38:21 -56.0864 -26.7993 5.3 37.3 South Sandwich Islands region Home
16/05/2013 18:27:08 -22.1543 -179.5641 5.1 584.6 south of the Fiji Islands Home
16/05/2013 16:29:17 12.0566 -73.4435 5 26.1 Caribbean Sea Home
16/05/2013 13:28:59 5.8159 -77.4116 4.7 16.5 near the west coast of Colombia   

Hrana ta zilnica !

23 Mai
1 Impăraţi 6.1-10

Nu din scânduri, cum era cortul, ci din pietre va fi construită noua casă. Ce frumoasă imagine a credincioşilor, a acelor „pietre vii" care sunt zidiţi „o casă spirituală" (1 Petru 2.5)! însă v.7 ne învaţă că pietrele erau cioplite complet înainte de a fi transportate. Lumea (sau pământul acesta) este „cariera" în care cei răscumpăraţi sunt înainte de toate ciopliţi şi în care fac obiectul unei lucrări răbdătoare din partea lui Dumnezeu, înainte de a ajunge potriviţi pentru a fi introduşi în Casa gloriei. La această şlefuire suntem supuşi noi chiar acum (astfel este condiţia noastră prezentă).
Pe lângă Locul Sfânt şi Locul Preasfânt, templul mai avea construite şi camere laterale, care la cortul din deşert nu existau. Erau rezervate preoţilor. Ce imagine a „multelor locuinţe" pregătite de Domnul în Casa Tatălui, pentru a-i avea cu Sine pe ai Săi! Pietre prelucrate; camere pregătite! Domnul i-a pregătit şi încă îi mai pregăteşte astăzi pe ai Săi pentru a ocupa un loc în Casa Tatălui. Este învăţătura capitolului 13 din Ioan. Dar El a pregătit şi locul pentru ai Săi, după cum învăţăm din capitolul 14 al aceleiaşi Evanghelii. Ce desăvârşită lucrare a dragostei Domnului nostru Isus!